What are the commonly used Microsoft runtime library collections, and what is a Microsoft runtime library?

Commonly used Microsoft runtime library collections include various libraries developed by Microsoft to support and enable the smooth operation of different applications and games. These libraries provide essential functions and resources for tasks like graphics processing, multimedia handling, network communication, and more.

A Microsoft runtime library, in essence, is a collection of pre-compiled code and resources that are necessary for the execution of software applications. These libraries are distributed separately from the application itself and are often required to be installed on a user’s computer for the application to work correctly. They help ensure compatibility and efficient functioning across a wide range of software by providing standardized functions and routines.

Some examples of commonly used Microsoft runtime libraries include:

  1. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages: These libraries support applications compiled with Microsoft Visual C++. Different applications may require different versions of the Visual C++ Redistributable, such as 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and so on.
  2. .NET Framework: .NET Framework is a comprehensive library that provides a framework for developing and running various types of software applications on Windows. Different versions of the .NET Framework are used for different applications.
  3. DirectX: DirectX is a collection of multimedia and gaming APIs that enable graphics rendering, audio processing, and input handling in games and multimedia applications.

These runtime libraries help ensure that software can run efficiently and reliably on different systems with varying configurations, as they provide the necessary resources and functions that the software relies on.