What are the commonly used runtime libraries in games?

In game development, developers often use various runtime libraries to aid in the development process and to handle specific functionalities. Some commonly used runtime libraries in game development include:

  1. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable:
  • Game developers often use Microsoft Visual C++ to write games, and the corresponding redistributable packages are required to run the games on systems without Visual C++ installed.
  1. DirectX:
  • DirectX is a collection of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) developed by Microsoft that are widely used in game development for handling tasks such as graphics rendering, sound, and input.
  1. OpenGL:
  • OpenGL is an open-source graphics API that is commonly used for cross-platform game development. It provides a set of functions for rendering 2D and 3D graphics.
  1. OpenAL:
  • OpenAL (Open Audio Library) is a cross-platform audio API used for 3D positional audio in games. It provides a standard interface for handling audio playback and spatialization.
  1. SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer):
  • SDL is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display functions. It is commonly used for 2D game development.
  1. PhysX:
  • PhysX is a physics engine developed by NVIDIA. It is often used in game development to simulate realistic physics interactions in games, such as collisions, gravity, and particle systems.
  1. FMOD and Wwise:
  • These are audio middleware solutions commonly used in the game industry. They provide advanced audio features and tools for implementing interactive and dynamic sound in games.
  1. Unity/Unreal Engine Runtimes:
  • Unity and Unreal Engine, two popular game engines, have their own runtime libraries. These engines abstract many lower-level details of game development, providing their own runtime environments for developers.
  1. Boost C++ Libraries:
  • Boost is a collection of high-quality, peer-reviewed C++ libraries. While not specific to games, some of its components, like Boost.Asio for networking and Boost.Filesystem for file system operations, are used in game development.
  1. Cocos2d-x Libraries:
    • Cocos2d-x is an open-source game development framework, and it comes with its own set of libraries for handling graphics, audio, and user input.

These are just a few examples, and the specific libraries used can vary depending on the game engine, platform, and the developer’s preferences. Game developers often choose libraries based on their specific needs and the requirements of the game they are developing.